Dark Planet demo - no license found

Just thought I would follow up in case this may help someone. I never did get support to address the presets for Dark Planet not loading in HSSE (causing the lock up of Cubase altogether). I gave up on it since I can still demo the instrument in it’s standalone VST mode. As far as it using the 24 hour All Applications license on the dongle EVEN though there is a Soft e-Licenser on the computer for Dark Planet Trial, they told me that it is an INTENDED behavior for the 24 hour All Applications license to be used (and counted down).
I guess, since the purpose of the 24 hour license is to allow use of the product until activation occurs, I have no legitimate gripe BUT it would be nice to be able to save that All Applications license for emergencies.
EDIT: I moved the “All Applications” license to another dongle and now, the Dark Planet Trial works perfectly as a standalone AND inside of HSSE. Definitely something strange with the way it looks at the licenses.