Thumb up or down - Buy it or Leave it?

This is a tough one…

When it works, it’s great. If you asked me before with Cubase 7, I would have provided an enthusiastic thumbs up. On Cubase 8, I can’t get it to work on my system (still works fine with 7). It does seem to be touchy with the connection.

Now, I haven’t made a lot of noise about it, except for a post or two in this forum. I’ll be posting on the main forum to see if there are users that have got it working OK with Cubase 8. This forum doesn’t have much traffic, and for all I know, my issue could be restricted to a small number of systems.

So, it may work fine on your system. And it’s not a lot of money ($18ish?). If you view it like a lottery ticket that will bring you lots of joy if you cash in, then go for it. If you’re going to get upset if you can’t get it working, I would stay away for now.