Cant preview audio in the import dial box anymore

Not sure what happened, but I cant hear audio in the import audio dial box like I used to be able to. It’s not something I do very often, so I cant remember the last time it worked, but it’s not working now. The status bar moves as if the file is playing, but I dont hear the audio. My soundcard’s ASIO driver is selected, and everything else works absolutley fine. Have tried multiple files from multiple drives.

Any ideas?


Until you can provide some more info - try the search on “preview” - plenty of threads…

I got it - the ctrl room was enabled.

"Until you can provide some more info "

Huh? You make it sound like I didnt provide enough info to begin with.


You can of course also preview with control room enabled.


You are going to simply say “exactly” without letting me know what info I should have given? Why not enlighten me?

ou are going to simply say “exactly” without letting me know what info I should have given? Why not enlighten me?

Well, the same infos, that are useful witzh every question, like Cubase version - which next question had then been about enabled or disabled control room, interface… standard infos that might be helpful. You´ve been on the old and this new forum long enough to probably know, what I´m talking about :wink: And please not discussion if these infos are necessary or not, I personally like to know some background infos, to get an idea.

Oh. Right. :confused: