Audio file renaming

I would like to note that while each method works, one method displays things slightly different than the other.

If you have a file that is named “Original” and you want to add (for example) a prefix to the file’s name in the rename dialog box…

using Neil’s method (my favored way) you get these results… “New Original”

using John’s method you get these results… “New (Original)” with the original name in brackets.

so the method you use depends upon how you want the file names displayed.

I just wrote a macro that works… using these commands…

  1. Audio - Find selected in pool
  2. Extended Edit - Rename Objects
    with this macro you can rename using a singles key command.
    note: this will open the pool and leave it open

But I found out that if you add a 3rd key command…
3. Project - Open Pool
Then once you enter your rename parameters and hit Enter in the rename dialog box
the pool will close. :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

See what you guys think of that :smiley:
