[SOLVED]: Probably obvious, but how do I reset all manually inserted System Breaks to start from scratch?

I’ve done a search but couldn’t find anything. I was manually turning my 60-page score into 4 bars/system one page at a time, but realized I would be better off just setting this in options. Now I want to UNDO the manually inserted system breaks first but don’t know how to do it all at once. I presumed maybe a filter but don’t see anything for this. Thanks for any guidance!

  • D.D.

[IUPDATE: Never mind! Just found it - “d’oh!”]

You found it, but it might be useful for those who run into the same problem to describe the solution !
I guess you selected all, filtered the system breaks and hit delete…

Precisely - didn’t see the filter at first :slight_smile:

  • D.D.

Thank you, Marc.