Midi timing suggestion on recorded VST instruments.

Sir Dancelot? When you got that brilliant idea of moving parts using the info line, how much
did you push it forward? Was it the same as your output latency or even more? I know it’s
not so easy to recognize exactly how it was played though, without some kind of audio-proof.

I sent a “copy” of the vst instrument to a group channel, routed to an audio-
channel, to get some measures. It showed to be a bit more than just the output latency. The
value actually looked closer to the output latency plus the input latency (with some tiny back and forth
in-exactness…) mumble mumble… but perhaps it was more because of that routing I did?
I’m beginning to feel dizzy and should sleep already. Do you get an idea of how badly I want some
true expert to solve this issue already?