A 'lite' ver of Cubase for registered owners on the go.

If this is ‘lite’ for you–it isn’t for me.

I don’t think you will be able to record 32 tracks of audio without using gear that represents the monetary equal of several Cubase USB keys.
But what if you dropped an 19" interface worth much more than the Steinberg key itself? As you can’t get ‘lite’ versions of hardware boxes, you will handle those darlings very carefully.

That’s why I’d suggest the following:

  • Choose one piece of 19" hardware you will most likely use for recordings outside your studio.
  • Have a single USB port bridge added to the backplate of that box.
  • Place your Steinberg key inside the box.
  • Use an USB cable to connect the ‘hidden’ key to your laptop.

Now your Cubase key will rest safely in a box you won’t easily drop or misplace because it represents an important part of your recording equipment.