plugins - vst2 vs vst3

thanks Neil for the input :slight_smile:
however I decided to go with oldschool 32bit through and through. it simply just works for me. its no fuss, just straight in and make music and sounds.

I guess the real shame about all this is that the steinberg (inventers of the actual vst standard) dont make a better bridge. the existing bridge has been out for a number of years, and its still not good. its not total crap, but its not good, and it needs to be good, or it should perhaps not even be there in the first place. and I know, steiny says the bridge is there to be a little help along the way, not to actually perform wonders…
but still… if the inventors of the vst standard cant make a better bridge in their own products, where other companies can… it does make you think…

I would love to see the bridge be simply transparent and “just working”, so I as user didnt have to think about how many bits the actual plugins are. as long as the host is 64bits and the bridge is invisible, it would be straight to creating music and sounds, instead of spending 2-3 days of trial and errors…

so steinberg please… make a better bridge for us.
