Bounce In Place is possible in C7 New [Video]

No worries man. What you’ve done here is great because many users (everywhere) whine like babies and never even try making their own macros. :slight_smile: Without guys like you doing the thinking they just wouldn’t have many. Cubase has had macros forever, yet it seems that few people really dig in, they just wait for somebody else to figure it out hand it to them.

The other post (which apparently has been deleted :laughing: ) was only intended to show what modern, fast, good bouncing kinda actually looks like, so people wouldn’t get confused about it, calling it “freeze” or whatever.

If I had known it would annoy people that much i never would have posted it. It’s not like I was trolling, i’ve owned Cubase for decades. Interestingly enough, I’ve done the same on other DAW forums, of DAWS i actually own and use, posting some great features from Cubase with gifs, so people understand what those things actually do, and there’s much less (or none at all) general “paranoia” and defensiveness about it.

Thanks WRat. Great work on the macros.