FLAC for lossless audio?

I’ve been experimenting with FLAC delivery lately from my readers for audiobook production, and it has a lot of potential-- sure saves upload time, and space in the DropBox.

Have no use for it in audio post or music composition-- aside from the above application (just trying to find ways to make available resources work!), FLAC is a non-presence in my professional life, and I don’t know anybody who’s even thinking about messing with it the way I am. I guess I have too much free time.

As far as music composition, editing and post-p are concerned, I have absolutely no desire nor need to work with FLACs however “natively” as might be possible with a compressed format like that-- am with previous posters in regards to keeping the production end simple. But importing and exporting, yes!

Other formats, i.e. WavePak? If they were relevant in the production world. Otherwise, focus on the stuff we need.
