Cubasis 1.3 sneak preview!

I really hope Steinberg adds the ability to at least record/playback/play thru standard MIDI control change messages - i.e. mod wheel, aftertouch, program change, etc. - to external apps. Right now MIDI control messages don’t get transmittited to/from external apps (such as Animoog or Thumbjam).

Also would very much like to be able to view/edit/automate MIDI cc messages after recording.

In terms of sounds, the built in Cubasis sounds are very outdated, and there are no built in synths. Compared to the presets, power and flexibility in other apps (even desktop Cubase, and many iPad apps), Cubasis falls far short. How about offering lite versions of synths available in Cubase, or maybe padshop, etc., as add-on purchases?

I became painfully aware of the poor instrument quality when comparing directly with Garage Band, and an iPad notation program (Notion) that has built-in instrument sounds. Notion instruments are in many ways superior, and keep in mind these are stock sounds in a NOTATION program, which are typically some of the worst. Almost all the Garage Band instruments leave Cubasis in the dust, for only five bucks.