mono track -> stereo track


it seems I haven’t been clear. I’m not looking to make a mono track SOUND like its in stereo, i’m merely looking to make the track STEREO in one fell swoop. Why? well… have you ever tried to apply a stereo reverb effect to a mono track? in comes out as a summed down mono version of the stereo effect. So, in order to hear in STEREO, you have to convert the track to a stereo track to facilitate a stereo effect. NOW… this involves creating a new STEREO track and then transferring all events to this stereo track OR exporting the track back into the project as a STEREO track. both of which seem to beat around the bush a bit, so to speak.

I just figured it’d be cool to be able to RIGHT CLICK on the event or track, and be able to convert the whole kit and caboodle to stereo.

not sure theres much need for that, but I run across it CONSTANTLY in my line of work.
