Cubase on Pc or a Mac ?

I have no such issues with Windows.

You mean a command shell. Windows has had one since day 1. Long before MacOs. And current version is far more powerful and elegant than bash, which is included in MacOs.

For asthetics, I agree. For general ergonomics, I have to disagree. Both have some details, where they shine and where they suck. During the last 25 years I’ve been used both, I’ve always felt more confortable with Windows.

During last 10 years I’ve re-installed Windows once … just because I thought something had went wrong with OS. It was a hardware failure, after all.

There’s no need to dig into registry in Windows. On the other hand, try to tweak similar OS settings on MacOS: HORRORSHOW … some things in /etc or /var just like on any Unix, some elsewhere, some hidden away from user completely. Registry is an ELEGANT solution for saving OS settings.

True. Bacause OS kind of runs defragmenter all the time in backgrond. Maybe one of the reasons why MacOS performance is worse than Windows.

Oh please. Hasn’t this myth “Mac is not vulnerable to malware” busted long time ago.

More, please.