A Plea to Steinberg...Let us have a printed Manual

That is not true, in general. And a quick search of online pdf printing services will find you plenty of reasonably-priced duplication services set up for this specific circumstance.

There’s plenty of wiki (too much conjecture!) info, and individual company legal policy (more believable) based on copyright law and precedent.

Don’t know where you are, but if it’s the US or the UK, in the absence of very unusual circumstances, as in where making a copy for personal use is expressly prohibited, you can print out a copy. No permission required. What you CAN’T do is distribute and sell it.

Furthermore, if you read the information on the manual’s first page, and this is pasted directly in from there (I am trusting that SB will not bust me for this!): “Registered licensees of the product described herein may print one copy of this document for their personal use.”

To me, that pretty much settles the issue.

The prices are absolutely affordable. My editorial: let go of the “Kinko’s” model. If they were going to gouge you like that-- AND wouldn’t print without some kind of voucher, then you’re shopping at the wrong place. Do a basic internet search. The short term solution is out there, and is not expensive.
