Saving Quick Controls

Martin, I can save 10 quick controls per track. It means that I can pretty much assign one plugin to my QC controller per track. Let’s say I’m in the middle of mixing and I decide to open Plugin X for EQing my track, I open the plugin and now I want to control the plugin with my QC. I have to load a track preset in order to load my quick controls for that particular plugin. Now if I have any plugins in the insert before this plugin I have created the track preset for, they are all gone!

If I could save and load presets for quick controls ONLY, I could have presets for all of my plugins, and just load the quick controls for that particular plugin that I want to control in that moment with my QC keeping everything else intact.

The way Cubase currently is, I have to assign everything manually every time I want to control different plugin with QC in that particular track. Does it makes sense now?