No audio output

When I say “what” I’m referring to the input output settings that you can find on the left side of the screen, where it has the drop down panel of “audio 01” “Inserts” “equalizers” “sends” “channel” at the very bottom of the “audio 01” panel it has the input output drop downs where it says stereo in, stereo out. I have it set to stereo and the output feeds to only my left earphone. if I set it to “right” it only feeds out of the right earphone, and left if set to left. I know they both work. It’s a matter on just getting it to work at the same time. Also, this only happens with stuff I recorded. if I put an mp3 file in cubase or any DAW it plays back fine. only stuff I’ve recorded gives me this issue. My interface is the Akai Professional EIE. Hope this was helpful enough for someone to understand.