Multiple long notes in midi editor

Hi Ludwig, thanks for your response.

I use either DrumsXD (via virtual midi) and a Fishman Triple Play plugged into an Apogee Duet.

The notes seemed to be duplicated on top of each other. There’s a very short one, shorter than 1/192 allowed by Cubasis with grid set to none. This very short note doesn’t have a note off message, when it plays it just doesn’t stop. On top of that there’s a much longer note that just overlaps the next set of double notes. I can’t describe it much better than that.

It seems to happen mostly when notes are played close together in time, but even if played stacatto they overlap making it impossible to edit.

@smeeeth, if you’re still around could you put your experience in as well, the more users that have this prob the more it may be taken seriously.
