wavelab 8 split/normailze help

Hi PG & Bob

PG not sure if your statement applied to bob or me, however, the transitions of my intended purpose will be perfectly intact as between each marker would be the actual transient and tail of said audio source, being able to normalize in one swoop between each marker would save me considerable amounts of time, compared to selecting between said markers and normalizing.

Remember this purpose is for sound design I am not trying to normalize parts of a song etc, I want to normalize sounds I tracked in the studio so I can send a uniform peak level to my outboard chain while keeping my recording in 1 file,

I do not wish to use any limiter of any sort and keep the audio away from processes that will effect its sound, I do not mind about the noise floor raising due to being normalized but I do not wish for any plugin limiter/compressor artifacts before I send to my outboard gear.

autosplit is 50% of what I need, as that would lay markers down to separate each sound “hit” from within the file and from my current understanding I would have to select each section after and hit normalize, doing this say 50 times for a single audio file is a repetitive task and wastes a lot of time, imagine I had to do 100 audio files with 50 hits in each file that’s 5000 times doing the same task and my suggestion could possibly save at least 10-100 hours worth of mousing around and normalizing.

The only other option I see is what bob has suggested but it gets confusing and not being a user of wavelab hard for me to picture how it would work.

you suggest a loudness maximizer / peak limiter browsing the W8 manual can you provide some information as to how i can achieve the results I desire with your alternative solution?