wavelab 8 split/normailze help

PG, unless I’m reading the original request wrong, it sounds like needsomehelp wants all of the snare hits to be at the same volume level. Whether he peak normalizes the whole file louder in the first place is up to him, but I’m reading it as a relative rms normalization between each snare hit after that, not independent peak normalize for each hit, which may or may not give the same volume. Needsomehelp, please tell me if I’ve got this wrong.

Auto-splitting each snare hit into a separate clip and using the meta-normalizer should make all the clips (snare hits) equal volume. I think that would accomplsh what is wanted, and is probably worth a try. (Unless snare hits are too short to loudness normalize).

But as you said PG, it could also be done with the Steinberg/Dynamics/Maximizer plugin on the track, and turn up Optimize.

My auto-split method sounds complicated, but it’s pretty easy after the first time. (Also, rather than deleting all the region end marks as I said, you could just convert them to “temp” marks. Then they wouldn’t be included in the splits because the splits would only be done at the “generic” marks.) (“convert markers” is in the markers tab functions menu).

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