How many midi channels on one midi 5-pin cable is reliable?

Yeah, MIDI is one of those interfaces that was created from the concept of this-should-be-enough. Of course, nowadays EVERYTHING is included in the “musical instrument digital” part, and the “interface” piece is stuck in the past and there really is no viable alternative. Many companies have created possibilities, but none that stuck, like MIDI.

I think in general, you should be good. Like I said, and to add to JMCecils comment about the clock, it was included on our live performances. (Though there were problems frequently.) Back then there were no “computer” sequencers, only hardware sequencers. The MC-4 was awesome (I still have one packed up, and in decent condition too!) which didn’t even have MIDI, and some of the follow up ones, like MC-500 (also have one of those in box, as a matter of fact). With MIDI, a couple of drum machines synced to it, and a bunch of MIDI synths (some of which were not even synced, but with approximate tempo set internally). Those were the times! :smiley: