Favorite method to time stretch part of a cue?

I get how it works Mike. I’ve spent days trying to get it to work. I’m saying that the “set tempo from definition” does not work with legato instrument passages in my experience. It totally F’s them up. But even using that method assuming it works, is WAY cumbersome on 32 track mixdowns with multiple stems and trying to fight each one individually. The other problem is that when you insert your own markers, it adds it as a “quantized” location. Which kills the timing down the length of the file.

I gave up, and now do this, which literally takes seconds. And, I don’t need a physics degree and decoder ring to do something simple.

This is how freewarp should work. I shouldn’t need any kind of tempo markers, or special mode. Just mark 2 boundary locations and stretch in the middle. It needs to work from the project window as well.

I’m willing to be wrong … VERY WILLING. Please tell me this simple process is doable and I’m just over complicating things?