Use Quickeys/Keyboard Maestro/Autohotkey to enhance Cubase

Sorry to hear that Rhino… Hope you get it sorted down the line.

In other (Mac) news, here’s an applescript to launch the last saved project. You load it into Keyboard Maestro, or use Applescript Editor to make it into a double-clickable app.

if application "Cubase 7" is running then
	tell application "Cubase 7"
		activate --bring cubase to front if it's running already, then exit script.
	end tell
	tell application "Cubase 7" to launch
	tell application "System Events"
		key down command --press command key
		set timer to 1 --to permit script to timeout gracefully
			delay 1 --wait 1 second
			if (window 1 of process "Cubase 7" exists) then
				exit repeat
			end if
			set timer to timer + 1 --increment timer value
			if timer > 10 then --script will release command key after 90 seconds in case Cubase couldn't launch or something else goes wrong You can adjust this value to suit. My system has an SSD, Cubase launches in about 8 seconds.
				exit repeat
			end if
		end repeat
		key up command --release command key
		tell application "Cubase 7"
			activate --bring cubase to front
		end tell
		keystroke return
	end tell
end if

edit: (and this is assuming Cubase is not already running…)