Miroslav Philharmonic not seen in CB7 ?

Heeeeee’s baaaaaaack. Now I want to become a Logidy Jedi Master.
Now I’m trying to make a single press and release action on ONE Logidy button do TWO things, e.g. start Record when the button is depressed and Stop Record when the SAME button is released, using the “2.5 Release Message Function” in the manual.
My understanding is that you turn the Release Message Function to “ON” by clicking on and turning the “Release Msg” button at the top of the desired “button sequencer” to “ON” or red. DONE.
You then insert the CC # for the SECOND desired action in the “V2” field of that same button sequencer, which is supposed to occur when you RELEASE the same button.
So I inserted the “Stop” CC 117 in the V2 field. The V1 field still has the “RECORD” CC 119 in the V1
field. So presumably depressing the button sends a CC 119 “RECORD” command to Cubase and releasing the same button sends a CC 117 “STOP” command, thereby starting and stopping the record function with a single press and release action of the same Logidy button.
Note that I changed nothing in the Generic Remote of the DAW which was already set up per your instructions and worked fine as I reported in the prior scenario where first button was Record, second button was Play, and third button was Stop. I simply now want to record as long as the first button is depressed and Stop recording when the same button is released.
And I sent the new Logidy setup to Logidy and saved it.
Only problem is it doesn’t work as desired. Pressing the first button still puts Cubase into Record mode
but releasing it does nothing and I have to stop Record with the third button.
What am I doing wrong ? Grrrrrrrrrr…

Bungling Bob