Logidy foot switch controlling CB7 transport ?

Indeedā€¦ :blush:

Completely forgot this one, as I never used it as a remote controlled command. Just checked and it works perfectly. So, apologizes and correction :

Footwsitch 1 : Command / Transport / Record

Footswitch 2 : Command / Transport / Stop

Footswitch 3 : Command / Transport / Return to Start Position

Much more simple, I admitā€¦

OTOH, using the retrospective record is more difficult if other tracks were previously recorded, IMO. We have to cut precisely the take choosed and adjust it, time related, to what is already existing. I think that using the lanes are more accurate for what bcarwell needs.

Actually, I mainly use the retrospective record at the very beginning of a project as an initial take to set the general frame of what will follow. Itā€™s already priceless as such.