Android version - coming soon!

Yes, but I’m pretty sure that things are going to change soon. Remember what we wanted when the iPad was introduced: laptop power in a smaller, lighter, more portable form factor. Since at that time it was an impossible feat, basically Apple went about a decade in the past with much inferior computing power and put in a PHONE operating system. Android was developed with the same concept in mind. Which means that none of these OS’s can develop much more than they’ve already done. Now that 8-inch Win 8.1 tablets with Bay Trail are finally available (end of this month), the old dream of having a REAL computer in one hand is finally coming true and I’m pretty sure that sooner or later people will realize how primitive iOS and Android are compared to a fully-functional OS like Windows. Heck, even simple file management on iOS and Android is a hassle. Again, because they are PHONE operating systems and they were never meant to do anything harder than social media, video playing, e-book reading, email etc.

A Bay Trail tablet can actually run Cubase 7. What other tablet can do that? (I mean aside from i5 tablets, of course, but those will cost substantially more.)