[music] new song, distant hope

Very first thing I’ll say is that the left side at the intro is very bare. The chords either aren’t scored for string section properly or the panning/levels aren’t correct so the balance between left, center and right isn’t there. I think the intro goes on for too long, I’d have liked it either half the length or the introduction of a steady rhythmic instrument, even something subtle like egg shakers or something. The violin part at like 3:40, you should try to write some small, non-instrusive parts for the other string sub-sections throughout to give it some variation and harmonic interest and it’s some practice for string writing. :stuck_out_tongue:

2:00 - From an orchestration perspective; for balance I think it’d be better to have the 2nd violins playing the pizz parts either in unison, octaves, sixths or and the solo violin from the 1st violins meaning it’d be just left of center.

Mixing and stuff, idk really. Listening on earphones plugged into my soundcard since that’s all I have functional right now lol. The levels seem to sound balanced, but the strings could really do with some better expression editing, you know like rises and falls in dynamics.

The bassline is definitely more interesting, although not quite there overall. Improving is what we’re all aiming for so as long as you’re learning new things then good going. :smiley:

Some sort of stereo doubling on the timpani? It immediately sounds odd to me because I’m used to the timpanist(s) being in the same spot but I guess it doesn’t sound bad, just odd for personally. I didn’t like the triangle hits, they’re too loud and unusual for the style with strings.

I can’t even be bothered to respond to that driftpunch tool anymore, I just click report instead. Obvious troll is obvious.