Sound On Sound says it all: Too Dark

It’s really not about ‘darkness’ and that’s my mistake.

It’s more about ‘style v. substance’. For -me- the big problem with C7 is that it’s trying to look more like an ‘app’… with fewer controls that do multiple things… or are hidden and then pop up when you’re in the right spot. I find this approach MUCH harder to use than previous versions which were much more straightforward.

In one sentence… C7 -looks- cooler, but the more you use it, the more you realise that it’s much harder to actually use. It requires almost constant attention. I have to -think- a lot more and change focus a -lot- more.

The ‘darkness’ bothers me primarily as a lack of -contrast-. For example, after a year I still often can’t tell which track a meter goes with—the one on the left or the one on the right?