this'll change everything 14 nov

End Mac support…that would change everything for sure…to the better. :slight_smile: :wink:
Disclaimer. Please Mac “fanboys” don’t read! *joke.

Its much better that Steinberg add all their time and skill, programmers focus on the real platform that are made for performance and real work, that all serious users should use, Windows.

No, I don’t hate Mac but if you know all technically components, specifications and how things work let face it:
Mac is overpriced and a expensive PC with a bad bloated operation system that just underperform. Especially when it comes to Audio.

Audio performance are terrible on OSX. Even simple AIFF files is a joke and Audio-core even worse.
If you know the facts and truth no one would buy or recommend a MAC computer for any professional Audio work.

When AIFF were original introduced in 1987-88 it already had spaghetti code that exist even today on OSX. They haven’t even bother under all these years to fix it either?

AIFF: The format first read it in “the code”-------, then their extra spaghetti code are added to revers the code back. Then it read it backward again because the made the code wrong original? How in the earth do you want to work on that kind of system with AUDIO?

And the I-phones, Ipad or new Mac Pro 2013…I don’t even want to go there.

Wave-files are double so fast to read and write without any “spaghetti code” and Windows 7 and 8 are more then 3 times faster and more powerful then OSX system.

Cubase/Nunedo number of Elysia mPressor plugins.

Windows 7 = 125.
OSX =37

*same computer. A dedicated PC computer with its high-quality component would performed even more.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Mac or trying to tell the world that it sucks, I don’t need to.
Apple do a great job themselves with that one. :wink:

Best Regards