Missing samples in Halion 5-Please confirm

That’s what these forums are for. Glad to be able to have these conversations.

I noticed that you have Halion Symphonic Orchestra in your signature. That’s another issue that I have. A couple of years ago I purchased the HSO special 16 bit edition. Somehow over the years I acquired the regular HSO (maybe it came with Halion 5?) and now one of my machines has the 16 bit version and the other has the regular version and when you load a HSO patch on one machine and save the project, that patch is not recognized when loading it on the other machine. Infuriating. And I can’t get any kind of solid answer from Steinberg on how to make all the patches the same on both machines.

And I have never got an answer when asking the techs what the bit rate on the “regular” version of HSO is. 24bit? Less than 16?

Ah well.