Love track Versions

Yes, probably I didn’t get the concept correctly. Or maybe I did, and it just isn’t implemented properly. When I read about it and saw advertisment videos, I got the impression that with track versions intended use is so that you can do the following:

  1. record track, like say rythm guitar power chords
  2. record more versions of the track, say muted guitar chords, wah-wah version, picked version…
  3. switch between versions, to have one version say on verse, and another version on chorus and so on…

Video advertisment shows switching with mouse, on example of chord track versions, to switch different chord progressions on parts of song. Based on this I assumed that you can switch not only by mouse on the fly, but can also define switches in some way to have switches included in mixdown. Now it turns out this is not the case. You can actually switch with mouse, true, as advertised, but there is no way to program those switches, and include them in mixdown.
I could almost call this misleading of customer, but I won’t.
I asked about this function before release, but there was no reply, post was deleted. I bought 7.5 immediately, and found out it is not working the way it seemed to be advertised. But ok, it happens… Maybe they implement this in the future, it would be nice.