7.5 at last.

Well, if they say so… it’s not weird, isn’t it ?.. :slight_smile:

There must be a local problem (that is: to those having it) that blocks C7.5 from copying C7.0x preferences.

It happened with my system too. upon installing (and finishing) Cubase 7.5, the preferences folder was EMPTY (obviously this shouldn’t be the case. it shouold have copied those from 7.06). but having read the people here, I simply copied the whole preferences folder from C7.0x - before even launching 7.5 - and got it over with.

Nevertheless, there IS a problem there.

I’d say to ANYONE :

Simply ERASE your newly created preferences folder (EVERYTHING IN IT) and copy ASAP the folder from C7.0x (so you won’t create - potentially - different setting to work with).