Macro for bouncing without any processing from the main-outs

And the advanced (!) version which mutes the bounced part also :smiley:

Make three presets with the Project Logical Editor. (Attached screenshots) Beware that the 3rd one, named “select_bounced” has the setting below “Function = Select”.

(EDIT: The next message has the links to these presets)

Having made these, here is the recipe to the macro:

Process Project Logical Editor - rename_as_bounced
Mixer - Bypass: Channel Strip on Main Mix
Mixer - Bypass: EQs on Main Mix
Mixer - Bypass: Inserts on Main Mix
Edit - Solo
Transport - Locators to Selection
File - Export Audio Mixdown
Audio Export - Sync Channel Selection with MixConsole
Audio Export - Increase Counter Start Value
Audio Export - Perform Audio Export
Navigate - Bottom
Edit - Deactivate All Solo States
Navigate - Up
Navigate - Bottom
Edit - Select None
Mixer - Bypass: Channel Strip on Main Mix
Mixer - Bypass: EQs on Main Mix
Mixer - Bypass: Inserts on Main Mix
Process Project Logical Editor - select_bounced
Edit - Mute Events
Process Project Logical Editor - rename_bounced_as_x