Track Visabilty

first you have to sync the project and MC visibility if u haven’t yet/(next to the visibility text to the right in project visibility tab,sync MC and sync the track/channel filter type too (global synch tr/ch type filter for all 3 mixers))

for me all work as should, except in/out faders.( u have to automate them to have the in/out showing in projects track folder :confused: they should change it in my opinion to be visible from the start)

now visibility work fine also with in/out,
(but still if i chose to not see in/out from MC filter ch type it won’t work. probably cuz there is no in/out filter ch type for in/out in project visibility ))

Edit: ok i saw u did sync… anyway all channels type are sync well here… all appear/hide as should (again only after i see in/out channels in project window too)