Industry economic optimism

I think the song ‘Video Killed The Radio Star’ says more than people even realize.

Since then, on an ever increasing basis, much of society now listens with their ‘eyes’ almost as much as with their ears - by way of video, TV, cell phones, youtube, commercials, etc.

For those born after the MTV beginnings of constant music videos, they most likely don’t even know that this transition has happened.

For some, if the video’s no good - then the song is mainly worthless to them.

Similarly, if the video impresses them, they’ll often say the song is ‘great’ - not realizing that the 2 are completely separate of each other, and done by completely different groups of people - and that one being better than the other does not necessarily make the other equal to it - in either direction.

What is encouraging though, is when someone about half my age, [I’m 52], says they really like much of the older music of 1950-1980.

When I ask why & how they’ve even been exposed to it, usually they say because their parents listened to it as they were growing up.

I do agree with the above statement:

…Best advice is to teach your children and grand children the value of this. And choose some material for them if you can, something actually worth listening to…