Looking For a Great Sounding Hammond B3/Leslie Speaker VSTi

Does anyone have anything to say about NI’s “Vintage Organ”?

It’s been mentioned elsewhere in this thread but I guess it could bear repeating this far along…

The original NI B4 II was a stand-alone/VST/AU algorithmic synth. It can respond to drawbar movement (manually or via MIDI/Quick controls/automation) as notes are being held. Mission critical controls are all on the main page. Key click control has reasonable range. It has a wide range of easily accessible presets.

NI’s present Kontakt version, Vintage Organ, uses the same B4 GUI elements (more or less), using the Kontakt rompler engine playing samples run through EFX blocks. Held notes do not respond to drawbar movement. Some mission critical controls are scattered across pages. Key click control is limited…as it is also sampled. It’s presets are a PITA to access and have been reduced in number from the original B4 II. Basically, it is junk.