Dear, Steinberg ... (Rate Your Developer HERE)

The motive back of this thread is to promote an open, sincere discussion between your customers with grievances and the developers of the app.

I apologize for the terseness of my original post. I understand that moderator communication may not always take place in the ‘General’ sub-forum first. The honest truth is that you and all of the employees of Steinberg put forth a real effort to assist people here.

The help that’s offered to the userbase should be appreciated. With that said, I feel that, re: many issues, we’re basically ignored:

I’m not certain whether it’s known at Steinberg or not but some of the decisions made for the development of C7 are extremely vexing to a portion of your users, including myself. These areas of concern are documented and users opinions expressed. Yet, more often than not, nothing changes and the trail goes cold.

I would like to have a honest assessment of the situation by the denizens of this board; specifically, those who wish to see critical improvements made in this great app.

By having the users and developers communicating more openly, I believe we can help one another to have these areas of concern addressed.