vst instrument/rack opionion

I think new users will not even mess with the the Rack, and I think that SB is encouraging new users to use the Track VSTs since there’s a button at the top of the Rack to add a Track instrument, but a right click is required to load a Rack instrument. (or a click on the words in the divider between the Rack and Track sections)

When the Track is loaded, it appears in the project window, IMO that is more or equally obvious to a new user compared with what happens when you add a Rack instrument. (however for old users teaching new users that advantage is gone! :laughing: )

Overall, I find the new Track Instruments more straightforward to begin with, then, once you get going with it, equal in complexity to the Rack. But this is coming from someone who has been using Track instruments for a while now.

My favorite thing is having the master track in the track list instead of hidden away in the rack. And, since the Quick Controls are available in the project page, and I can hit a key command to bring up the instruments 'editors, I can leave the (large-ish) rack closed.

Also Track instruments can be removed on the project page, Rack instruments require a visit to the Rack.

Finally, I think it would be better if the words didn’t rhyme. :wink: