APPEAL: C7.X Pro Composers: Voice Your Opinion here![POLL]

Indeed. Their execution doesn’t seem to be there. How would this sound for a 7.5 update?


    • ASIO Guard now effects multi-timbral instruments
  • Updated Expression Map GUI
  • Reduced track loading & saving times via multi-threading
  • Track presets maintain their routing
  • Folder tracks can now be exported as track archives

I’d hand over $100 w/o skipping a beat to Steinberg if the above were the case. That’s what I don’t understand: Why do they keep adding half-baked features and then take their time fixing them? Why don’t they implemet these features with the highest user-demand?

I created a poll to get a feeling of the user-base on this topic. Really though, ask yourself this: when’s the last time we got an update that had even THREE high-priority features mentioned in it? No, that doesn’t include chord tracks :laughing: