Chord Track

Maybe I am misunderstanding you, but, if you already have your Chord Track, then just create a MIDI track, select it, then go to the Project menu>Chord Track>“Chords to MIDI”.
(I’m just now trying to find the simplest way of separating the voices in the MIDI track… without having to go via the Score Editor, if possible :wink: )…

O.K. still not so immediate, but…

  1. Open the newly-created MIDI Part in the Key Editor, and change the Color Display to “Voices”. If the notes still all show the same colour, then go back to the Chord Track menu item, and click on “Move Notes to Voices”.
  2. You should now be able to select (manually, unfortunately) all notes with the same colour, then go up to the Info Line, and choose a MIDI channel for those notes.
  3. Repeat for the other voices.
  4. Close the Key Editor, then, back in the project window, re-select the MIDI Part, then MIDI menu>"Dissolve Part, and chose “Separate Channels”.
    That should have created new MIDI tracks with a voice on each track :wink:.