If you like the 7.5 update...+1 this and reply

Absolutely, I use Cubase every day and part of my income comes from using Cubase.

Workflow, waste and money are business related terms. The tool chosen, only enhances the job. However, no matter how much a tool is changed and improved, in the long run it won’t have any effect on the business side.

Some improvements just make sense, others are often very subjective. E.g. have you ever been to Home Depot (or any other hardware store, for that matter)? If you haven’t, check out how many types of “hammers” there are, for example… Still, houses are built as cheap as possible. One for business, and all for business. :laughing:

Again, it’s business that kills that “great passion”, not Cubase (or any other DAW for that matter). They are just tools, not magical music wands. Steinberg has always been a great innovator of tools for musicians, and those musicians are the ones hammering out the magic (or cheap radio trash, :wink: ).

And still close enough. :wink: