All Of Space: Systole (acoustic song)

I don’t usually like the extremes of zero vibrato and very wide opera vibrato but your vocal performance is really nice and calming. For me a good voice isn’t simply hitting the correct pitches but the enunciation and expression both of which I thought were great here. Whatever effects are on the vocals they work great too. Actually if you could say what kind of effects/values are used on the vocal that’d be great.

My big criticism is that the guitars are simply too flat dynamically. There are parts where I think accents for a more distinct pulse would really heighten the song. I really love the guitar parts and they are performed well too, but the lack of dynamics changing just a bit and some accents don’t give me the right sense of expression. The harp harmonics at the beginning add a nice touch though. Not enough people use that technique, so kudos on that. :smiley:

The outro idea is very nice and works really well. Though after each pause it seems to come in just slightly too late, maybe a 16th or 8th note too late, it isn’t much anyway. Idk, it makes it sound unsettling to my ears because of that tiny delay.

Other than that I enjoyed listening a lot, thanks for posting.