I'm Bored: One -Really- Nice Thing About Cubase...

It’s a little different though, because we don’t need to “see” transitions. I apply a graphic filter, I don’t care about the look between A and Z.

If I apply audio processing, I might care about the in between states as I round a knob.

What we do have, is the ability to preview our moves beforehand. But in general, the instant aural feedback needed for audio isn’t that crucial in graphics. The eye does not play the same before/after, A/B tricks that occur in audio.

but hmm, One really nice thing about Cubase? I dunno. Can’t think of anything in particular, but the fact that there haven’t been any absolute showstoppers since I’ve started…ie. I am still using it, and will not change it, is a nice thing. I still want those missing Wizoo kits from LM4MKII, but hey.