Questionair - January 2014

Gee, I never got one. :smiley:

It’s weird that they don’t send out newsletters.

But wrt ‘rent v. buy’, it’s not ‘if’ but ‘when’.

Some companies have done it and provided added value to customers. Others just use it as a way to lock in revenue. SB must think it has something of a captive audience… perhaps they’re correct.

I have to admit, the first couple years of Adobe’s Creative Cloud were good… because they knew a LOT of people wouldn’t bite they’ve just PILED ON added features and cool extras. If you’re the kind who upgrades with every version automatically, it’s been a good deal.

My fear with SB is that, frankly, they always act stretched so thin. I would NEVER object to paying a bit more if an SAAS approach yielded more features/fixes VALUE. I never mind paying for VALUE. But if they went to SAAS with the same levels of service? That would -definitely- be the impetus to do some comparison shopping—which I haven’t done in years.