
thanks for the replies! polgara, I basically did that with a version of the kick drum EQ’d out everything but the slap sound… not sidechained though. Thanks KZA! Im not sure about compression,. I used a bit of the built in cubase compression. I dont like to overdo it because the really gentle parts clips the lowest noises a bit… Maybe run automation on the compression?

I’ve tried this “parallel compression” and basically what i have are 2 FX sends, pre fade, from the kick. One is fluffy and has some reverb on it for room sound, and the other is literally a click, just EQ/gate the hell out of it. Works pretty good.

I have since turned down the magneto and other saturations, removed some reverb… It’s amazing how just a nip above zero, it makes a big difference, and i had them cranking here! (using the REVelation plugin)