Where's Bandersnatch?


Hi Doug:

I 'm alive and well thank you very much. I rarely visit the the forum as you have noticed so what a surprise to see someone actually looking for me? It was an absolute pleasure to meet you (and the rest of the MIA’s) at Lenny’s house so many years ago now it seems. My job keeps me so busy that I don’t have time even to find a new job with better hours. On the other hand it’s better to be too busy than being unemployed I guess.

Once in a blue moon I play with my guitar and record some riffs but never to the point I can feel it’s worth posting.

On the other hand my 17 year old son plays the electric guitar (and bass and drums) and is planning to combine business and music as a career.

Here is a link to two songs he posted in soundcloud.

Hi, the Boston meet was lots of fun. I really miss those meets.

But , life goes on.

Hi Lenny

I missed that gig you told me about the guitar player that was a member of a band called 3. Did you do that gig already?

Hi to everyone else

Woodcrest Studio
Hi Thomas My son lives around and hour and 15 minutes from your studio. Maybe we can meet one of these days and check out your studio.

Again thanks to everyone.
