Working with Automation. can it be fast as in PT?

point taken, but if you need to do it on 300 tracks then just highlight the selection on the 300 tracks and it’s done in one step, surely that’s quicker than automating an EQ over 300 tracks. If you use off line processing it’s actually a lot quicker than it is to explain in words.

Just pointing it out as it’s an area pro tools users have a blind spot to as it’s only recently they’ve been able to work per clip, hence not directly answering the automation question. If you’ve come from another software and are used to doing something one way , to me it would make sense to find out the best way to do it in your new software, and that quite often ISN’T by doing it the same.

so to answer the question; is it as fast? it can be if you change your workflow.

I will add that I come from the music mixing/composing world and NOT as a film sound mixer so my usage is probably very different from yours so apologies if we’re at cross purposes.