Audio Mixdown - Half's the tempo - help

I go to Echo AudioFire console control. Go to settings. In the box: Core Audio Sample Rate, I´ve got 48 KHz. I have changed it into 44.1 KHz. Save.

go to Cubase, Export audio in 44.1 KHz in 16 bit. Do not work. Same problem. Export in 44.1 and 24 bit. Same problem.

Go to Core Audio again, changed it into 48 KHz. Go back to Cubase, Export in 48 KHz both 16 and 24 bit. Same Problem.

So, I can not have audio files in the correct tempo. All slown down. I do not know what to do.

I have taken all the audio files to a friend´s home, where he has the same cubase and Windows 7 but different audio interface. We have tried those audio files and are also slowed down. He has not any problem with audio files when exporting with cubase.

So, the problem is when I export the files.