Build huge templates?

Yes, absolutely.

There are of course templates and templates. I have one for orchestral stuff (which is what most people think of as templates in media circles anyway), but I have another that’s just blank instances of synths, plugins, etc, all routed correctly, sidechains set up (but turned off by default) all ready to go. I don’t see either of these as the enemy of creativity, quite the opposite - it frees you up from pure engineering chores which disrupt the creative flow.

So I think the Brian Eno discussion is a red herring really. These sorts of templates are something else entirely - it’s the equivalent to having kit plugged into the mixer and routed in the analogue domain rather than piled into a heap in the corner, nothing to do with synth presets etc. And if you have an orchestral template, then you have the LSO miced in the next room and brought into the 200 channel mixer too. What a wonderful world in which we live :slight_smile: