What is going on with Cubase 7?

First off. OBVIOUS INFORMATION for the unready. This is NOT the ISSUES forum. This is NOT the Steinberg SUPPORT desk. I suggest you visit one or the other if one is serious about having these “problems”.

There is less wrong with Cubase than is wrong with the incompetent who can’t get it to work like thousands of others can.
Who don’t know how to complain properly or even where to complain and who mysteriously have a convenient amnesia when it comes to supplying any handy information that might help themselves like system details. Complaining here just makes you all look a bit foolish because this is a USER self-help forum. Do I have to say that s-l-o-w-l-y. A u-s-e-r selllffff hhhheeeellllppp foooorrroooom. It’s not the forum where the sane moan for years and years about the SAME problem they had with the last 8 versions (that they were NEVER going to buy). The problem that bothers no one else because they have got a life.
And I have seen devs contributing here. I have seen problems addressed. I think these posts are cheeky and arrogant beyond belief. How would any of you like to be treated the same way by your “clientele”? The way so much “doesn’t work” I can believe complaints about some studios must be numerous. Does one tell the “client” “Sorry but it’s Cubase. It’s awful!” ? :unamused:
And it doesn’t help with problems when helpful suggestions are brushed aside as irrelevant because they don’t join in with the spurious complaint brigade.

What’s going on with Cubase 7 is “not much”. What’s going on with some users that needs more urgent attention.
Nobody MADE any of us buy Cubase. So why buy all those latest, shiny new versions that you said you’d never bother buying from Steinberg EVER again? I’m as dim as a 40watt lightbulb and I can get Cubase working. Even Cubase 7.