How Do You Guys Align a Microphone Signal to a DI one?

I already know the math, but thanks :slight_smile:

I guess I was being lazy, hoping to find someone who does this everyday in Cubase and would provide an easier method to calculate the delay without using math. Nothing against manual calculations, but I wanted to find out if perhaps there was an easier way to go about it.

For example, highlight the region that contains the delay, Cubase would immediately tell me what the amount of milliseconds/samples is contained in this region, and simply input this number in the corresponding box. Done! I’m not at the studio right now, but there’s gotta be a way to do this in Cubase. Anyway, I was hoping someone would know this from everyday experience.

so, find out the delay difference of both tracks in samples (right click ruler and set to sample) - do the maths to convert it to milliseconds and enter that value in your cabinet track. should be a one time deal… if you always mic from the same position…


I guess I will have to go with this method otherwise. Thanks for taking the time to help me :slight_smile: